Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mom don't be sad at me.

I got my first tattoo. Its all about my Oma. She passed away a year ago last month. The anchor with the heart was on a bracelet of hers and very symbolic of her being a very strong anchor in my life. The "Oma" is her signature from a card she had sent me. Cory an awesome artist a good friend used a stenciling technique. Did it hurt? yes. But not un-bearable. I don't know how you crazy kids sit for long periods of time doing large pieces. cra cra alert! 

love you mom. Don't be mad. or sad. i don't need chicken soup.

Cory is a local long beach fellow that is serving our country in the coast guard and serving us locals with fab body arts.Check out Cory's other work here: 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sasha, Oma would have been so amazed that you would do this for her. I'm happy that she was a positive influence for you and that in your own way you carry on her memory. But you know she would just say 'Ach little Sasha, why you do that, now have another cookie.'
    Love you lots - Aunt Rosa
