Palms over Pines
Q: Tell me a little about yourself! Where are you from? What are your hobbies? Do you do work with and sell succulent’s full time?
I am originally from Dallas, Texas, but moved to Lake Forest when I was five – so I grew up in the OC. As far as hobbies, I love Pilates, vintage swap meets, baking and of course, flowers, gardening and succulents. I'm like a 50's housewife. I would LOVE to focus on succulent’s full time but right now it’s just a full time hobby!
Q: How did you get in the succulent business?
A: I didn't mean to start a business. I just started doing it for fun and because I have always loved plants. I spent about six months in Texas and I collected all these cool vintage pots and containers from antique shops and road-side flea markets. So when I got home my natural instinct was to plant things in them! My friends suggested I should sell them and started to offer to buy them. That’s when I started taking it more seriously.
Q: Do you have a favorite succulent?
A: favorite? No way. I love them all. It truly is like an addiction. I do look for different or unique ones that you don't see everywhere but each succulent is a favorite in its own right.
Q: How do you come up with arrangements? Inspiration?
A: I either start with a really cool succulent as a center piece and then I add to it to make a visually interesting arrangement. Or, I start with a really cool pot or planter and let it inspire my direction. If I am making arrangements for an event – that will have influence as well. For instance, I made some center piece succulent arrangements for a surf brands trade show booth. I wanted them to have a wavy, underwater, seaweed feel so I added some blue glass stones. It really did turn out beautiful! I think the inspiration comes from loving what you do; there is no real explanation for your passion.
Q: How did you come up with your label/brand/name?
A: Like I mentioned I spent about six months in the South visiting family in the winter time in the woods. I was surrounded by pine trees in an area of East Texas, which the locals call the "Pine Curtain." Honestly, I'm not the outdoor type; anyone that knows me can tell you I am not a camper and I definitely prefer Palms over Pines. It just came to me while I was driving through the country. I missed California. I immediately started the Instagram account (PalmsOverPines) not really knowing what I was going to use it for. At first just posting my little creative projects, furniture refurbs, cross stitches, flower arrangements, etc. Several months later, I realized its true purpose.
Q: Any special instructions or tricks people wouldn’t normally know?
A: There are two secrets to success: #1. Never reveal all that you know… Just kidding! The one question I get asked the most is, "how do I know when to water it?" Usually I say, "when the soil is dry," or about once a week. That's if the succulents are outside in good lighting. If these plants are inside, you can go a little longer because the soil isn't going to dry up as fast. But you have to just pay attention to each plant; you care for it individually like you would any other living organism.
Q: Who was your teenage idol?
A: I honestly don't remember having a teenage idol. Everything I did then (and still do) is/was influenced by music and fashion. I lived and died in high fashion magazines. I would get up super early on Saturday morning and watch a show called "Style, with Elsa Klensch," on BBC and try to steal ideas from top fashion designers and make my own tees and purses. I loved Blondie – her hair and style and careless attitude. I grew up in skateboarding culture and going to punk rock shows, which were huge sources of influence.
Q:Anything in particular you would like to add?
A: Simply that, if you love something you should pursue it, whether on a large or small scale. You have to have something to look forward to each day; if you work hard enough the rest will fall into place. It’s easy to become impatient and lose focus. It took me a long time to realize that. I now have a clear vision and a plan in place and a lot of good stuff is coming!
Edited by Toni Mathews
Kelly's creations are available in the shop for purchase! As always I can ship if your not in the Long Beach area.
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